VOLUNTEERS of the Hoyland Remembrance and Parade Group will not let mindless acts of vandalism stop their Remembrance service this weekend.It’s been reported that youngsters threw an egg at the war memorial on West Street earlier this week whilst also causing general mischief across the area.It was spotted during a dedication service to Peter Sabin, a respected local figure whose memory will live on thanks to a memorial bench at the site.Robert Hill, one of the volunteers, told the Chronicle: “Some of the members were taking part in the dedication of a memorial bench on Sunday when they spotted that eggs had been thrown at the memorial.“We believe it happened on mischievous night and it was some kids who were throwing eggs.“We’d urge anyone to tell their kids not to do this as it’s disrespectful.“We’re putting it down to a bit of stupidness but the war memorial is there to be respected.”Despite the vandalism, the group are still gearing up for their parade this Sunday.Sunday’s parade will form inside the gates of Hoyland Cemetery at 10.30am.It will depart 20 minutes later with a march to the war memorial.Road closures will be in place from 10.45am on the day.After the service the parade will travel to Hoyland Market where refreshments will be served.Robert added: “We welcome as many people as possible and we’d like to thank everyone that is due to turn up and help.”Coun David White of the Rockingham ward shared his frustrations.He said: “Like most people, I found the recent vandalism of the Hoyland war memorial abhorrent and disturbing.“My thoughts were immediately with the family descendants of those respected on the memorial and how they must feel having such abuse targeted towards those that gave their lives for our country.“A tremendous amount of work is carried out throughout the year by volunteers who manage and maintain the memorial to such high standards, my thoughts are also with these heroes.“Throwing eggs may be, in some people’s view, not overly serious. But let’s be honest, most people do not carry eggs around, let alone stop to throw them at a specific target. I do wonder who did this, and why.”