BARNSLEY Council’s ruling cabinet members have approved plans to introduce CCTV inside all hackney carriages at a cost of £173,500.
Last April, the council approved funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) under the Transport Innovation Fund to pilot the introduction of CCTV in hackney carriages.
This initiative aims to enhance both passenger and driver safety by deterring criminal activity and supporting drivers in managing challenging behaviour.
It also looks to encourage more drivers to work during late and unsociable hours, increasing the availability of taxis in the town centre during busy weekend periods.
Coun Wendy Cain, cabinet spokesperson for public health and communities, said: “Hackney carriages and private hire trades provide an essential service, especially late at night when other forms of public transport are not always available.
“The safety of residents, visitors, and those who work in our borough is a top priority, and by requiring CCTV in all hackney carriages we’re enhancing safety for both drivers and passengers.
“These changes also support our night-time economy by encouraging more drivers to work during later hours, so residents and visitors can enjoy Barnsley’s nightlife with the confidence of a safe journey home.”