WHEN someone is driving up your backside, don’t you have the urge to slam on the brakes and teach them a lesson?

Impractical of course for lots of reasons, but we all have these little rogue thoughts I’m sure.

So my ‘WTF’ of the week goes to the driver who was behind us up a main road, who clearly saw us indicating to turn left into our street, we slowed down steadily to allow the manoeuvre and as we turned he had the nerve to give us one of those long aggressive horns as if to say: ‘How dare we turn into the place where we live and force him to apply his foot onto the brake’.

We could almost hear him calling us all the Fs and Bs. I think he needs to take a bit of chamomile in his tea or he’s going to end up on a heart monitor.

What happens to some people behind a wheel? I hope he had a lovely day after that interruption, and everyone else in front of him drove in a straight line and at a speed that meant his shiny brake pedal stayed as pristine as the day it was made. Plank.

Talking of driving. We’ve just ended up with one of those ‘strayed into a bus lane’ penalty notices.

What a bloody cheek. I got one years ago in Derby when I hadn’t a clue it was a thing you got done for stuff like that.

They didn’t have this ‘bus lane’ thing when I learned to drive – lesson learned. But we were particularly peed off at this one.

The day in question, the OH was driving me to Sheffield station to go to a London meeting, the trains had been cancelled from Barnsley. When we got to Sheff, it was to find the Parkway totally blocked off because there was an armed siege on the go.

The police had closed down all the roads anywhere near a block of flats where someone might have had a bomb, guns etc.

The roads were full of morning commuters trying to circumvent the problem and get to where they were going but it was chaos.

And you always get someone breaking down, of course, to add to the melee. Cars were everywhere trying to get past.

And yet on a day like that, Sheffield Council thought it was fair to cash in and kick drivers in the nuts.

Not a bus in sight btw. I’ll let you know how our appeal goes, but I’m not holding out much hope!

‘Never meet your heroes’ they say. I’ll say ‘rubbish’ to that this week after I spent a wonderful evening at the Yorkshire Society awards in the delightful company of Chris ‘Kammy’ Kamara, someone who has given us a lot of laughs over the years at his sometimes off the wall reporting style.

What a joy of a man he is in real life. What a battler against the brain disease which has so tragically afflicted him and what hope and positivity he oozes.

I must confess I have been rarely disappointed in the heroes I’ve met but Kammy is right up at the top of the ones who have left my face aching with smiles for the encounter.

Last call for this Sunday at Wortley Hall for a lunch of beef cooked in Guinness pie and peas and Bailey’s cheesecake to follow for it is St Patrick’s Eve and we have a book event crammed with good food and wonderful green and Irish things to win all in aid of Royston Animal Welfare. Just ring Wortley Hall to come and join us at 12.30pm.