Hello Reds,

It has been a hectic period as we return to Oakwell for a second game in four days and a fourth fixture in a ten-day period.

Don’t get too high when you win and too low when you lose: a mantra I have tried to adopt for many years working in professional sports.

Utter nonsense.

More experience and arguably wisdom have led me to realise and change that mantra.

Celebrate every win like it’s your last and focus on the controllables when you lose: that is a much better method of thinking.

Winning any game at any level takes a huge investment in time, energy and the support of so many different people and groups.

It’s the aim and the objective in every fixture and both teams can’t win the same game.

The players on the field deliver the goals, the saves, the blocks and the sweat to get the result and I would like to express thanks to them but also to the unsung heroes behind them who facilitate that.

I’m referring specifically now to our catering team and chef, our kit men, laundry staff, cleaners and operations team that day in and day out provide the best possible environment for the players to achieve great things.

Thank you to all.

Finally, I would like to remind all supporters of one key aspect.

We all have a responsibility to ensure that Oakwell is free from language that isn’t acceptable in today’s society.

We are a club with a history of inclusiveness, and we must remain that way.

We are working with all our partner agencies to ensure we continue to be a club that is open to all.

We are focussing on making Oakwell a special place with a great atmosphere but there is a genuine need to do that within the law and the bounds of decency.