BARNSLEY’S taxi drivers are being urged to take part in a consultation which would see the council install free-of-charge CCTV cameras in their vehicles from as early as April next year.

Barnsley Council’s licensing officers were successful in their bid to the government’s Transport Innovation Fund, paving the way for cameras to be fitted in order to boost safety for both drivers and passengers.

However, following its previous consultation when more than 500 drivers were contacted about the scheme, just 39 responses were received.

Of those, 29 per cent declined the free camera, while almost half said they would not agree to pay for a camera’s maintenance costs if the move became mandatory.

A report, which will be discussed by councillors next week, states that a further ten-week consultation will be held from October 25 to January 3.

It states: “The main aim of the CCTV is to increase both driver and passenger safety and encourage more drivers to work at unsociable times.

“It will also support them to not avoid the more difficult customers.

“The pilot scheme is limited to Hackney Carriage Vehicles and aims to be implemented by April 2025.

“It will run for approximately six months when a further review will be carried out to determine the effectiveness of the CCTV and the availability of taxis in the town centre.”

The CCTV would be paid for by the council, but the taxi driver would then be responsible thereafter.

“All hackney carriages licensed by Barnsley Council must have a CCTV system installed by the provider specified by the council following the tender exercise.

“The CCTV system must be in use whenever the vehicle is in use as a licensed vehicle for the purpose of hire and reward.

“Whilst the council will provide the CCTV system, the ownership will transfer on installation to and will at all times remain the property of the licensed proprietor/owner of the hackney carriage vehicle who will at all times be liable for its use in their vehicle(s).

“The licensed proprietor/owner of the hackney carriage vehicle will be responsible for the maintenance and security of the CCTV system.

“The council will have no liability for the goods or services provided.”