WE are officially in what we call in the newspaper business as silly season.

One of the sure-fire signs is when the red tops start reporting their annual tall tales of monster man-eating Great White sharks approaching British beaches.

But did you know a shark was once pulled out of our very own River Dearne?

It was back in September 2002 when we reported on the story.

The dead four-foot tope was found by Darren Myers who had been out walking with his dog, Jess.

He said: “I had trouble believing my own eyes at first but then I got closer and saw the dorsal fin and realised it was a shark.

“Everyone I’ve told since thinks I’m having a laugh and I would probably do the same.”

The most logical theory behind the shark being found 60 miles' inland was that it had been dumped there as swimming up the Humber and Don into the Dearne was ruled out as being very unlikely by Ian Hawkins, the manager of Scarborough Sea Life Centre.

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Do you remember the story?

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