A LOCAL filmmaking father and daughter duo said they were proud to see their latest project on the town’s mining past screened at Cineworld last week.

‘Regeneration’ tells the story of how the mining industry came to an end.

It also discusses the miners’ strike of 1984/1985.

The film includes interviews, archive footage and what life is like now in the Dearne Valley.

Created by 25-year-old Rebecca Sills from Bolton-upon-Dearne, it’s hoped the film will educate youngsters on the town’s mining past.

She told the Chronicle: “I think this film is one of the best I’ve done.

“It’s bringing a lot of communities together.

“For people my age, it’s also educating them about coal mining.

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“Getting to Cineworld is one of my biggest achievements.

“I’m both excited and nervous at the same time.”

Her dad, Dean, added: “I’m really proud of what she’s achieved - this is really special.

“It was surreal watching the film on the screen in the cinema - it was really cool.

“Rebecca can’t visualise what it was like.

“There were four or five pits close where we live, now it’s just green and scenery.

“You need to keep the past alive for generations moving forward.”