A WOMAN from Barnsley who has raised more than £8,000 for various charities across the county has set her sights on fundraising for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Claudia Thompson, founder of the Highwood Hobble, which is held at her farm in Darton, has raised £8,742 and has chosen the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) as her charity of the year for 2020.

The Highwood Hobble is a 5km running event at Highwood Farm which has grown from 40 runners to 200 people taking part annually. The race is a multi-terrain run, walk or hobble and also features a children’s ‘mini hobble’ for ages eight and under, and nine and over.

Local businesses have rallied around to support the event by donating awards, and participants are treated to a chip butty by Claudia’s mother as they reach the finish line.

“I don’t ask for any money to sign up everyone knows how expensive races can be, so I ask people to dig deep and donate the money to charity” said Claudia.

Claudia decided to start fundraising for charity when her sister and brother-in-law took part in the Great North Run, and they were looking for inventive ways to fundraise.

Not only does Claudia organise the Highwood Hobble, she also takes part in many sporting events throughout the year to fundraise for her chosen charity.

This year, she will be taking part in a one mile swim, a stand-up paddle board triathlon, the Leeds 10K, the Prudential Ride London 100, and the Great North Run.

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When asked why she chose the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Claudia said: “A lot of people I know, as well as myself, take part in a lot of sporting events and activities, therefore it’s a great opportunity to do what we enjoy and raise vital funds for such an important cause. The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is one of those services that you hope you don’t have to use, but you know it’s there if you need.”

Katie Tomlinson, South Yorkshire community fundraiser for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, added: “We’re excited to be chosen and look forward to working alongside Claudia.

“It costs £12,000 a day to keep the two air ambulances maintained and in the air and we’re grateful for all the support we receive.”

This year’s Highwood Hobble takes place on August 18 at Highwood Farm, Barnsley, from 6pm.