ONE young local girl is not only making a splash on the international stage but also finding support from the community to help her achieve her dancing dreams.

Poppy Unwin, 11, has been dancing since she was just two years old.

Over the years she’s developed her skills further and now is in the middle of intensive training sessions at ElliTe Studios in Wakefield as she prepares to compete in the Dance World Cup in Spain in July.

Yet the expenses around the competition - which include entry fees, costumes and a Team England kit - are still the biggest hurdle standing in the Kexbrough younster’s way, and so her and her family have begun fundraising to make sure the dancing superstar can follow her dreams.

Her mother, Louise Unwin, told the Chronicle: “I used to take Poppy’s older sister Emily to dance classes when she was little.

“When we had Poppy I thought we could take her along too - it all just progressed from there.

“She loves it.”

Described as ‘competitive’ by her mum, Poppy has always strived to do the best she can and won’t stop till she competes on the world stage.

“When she first moved to this dance school they had just started the routine for last year’s competition,” Louise added.

“She wanted to take part but was too late, so even getting the chance to go is a massive, massive achievement for her.

“It can be stressful and she’s studying for her SATs as well - but it’s something she really wants to do.

“She put it on the list of things to do this year at school.

“Once she’s ticked that off she’ll find the next thing.

“She’s been in competitions since she was four - she enjoys competing against others and it helps her as well.

“If she loses she puts in that extra effort to improve and can take on the judges’ comments.”

The online fundraiser to support her globe-trotting journey has received massive support, with local businesses and members of the community reaching into their pockets to support Poppy.

Currently she’s only £50 off her £1,200 target, with Louise keeping detailed checklists of everything she’ll need.

But this international competition isn’t her only ongoing achievement, as she’s following in the footsteps of her sister Emily.

Now 18, Emily was previously been nominated for both the Proud of Barnsley and Young Champions awards, as she overcame her own struggles with Goldenhar Syndrome - a rare birth defect that affects the development of the face and spine - to live a fulfilling life.

Poppy has now been put forward for this year’s Young Champions award, to celebrate her ongoing commitment and achievements with dancing.

“It’s a brilliant thing for her.

“Emily was nominated for the Proud of Barnsley so to have something for Poppy too is great.”