Houses could be built on the main car park at Barnsley FC's Oakwell ground if plans are given the go-ahead.


The residential development has been applied for by Oakwell Community Assets Limited whose directors are Couns Alan Gardiner and Linda Burgess, Barnsley FC owner Patrick Cryne and its secretary is Andrew Frosdick, Barnsley Council's borough secretary.


A residential development of 12 two-storey houses, which would be in three blocks of four units, is proposed for the southernmost part of the main car park, off Grove Street.


Replacement car parking with 194 spaces is then planned to be created on unused land to the north-east of the main football ground.


A design and access statement prepared by Oakwell Community Assets Limited states that location is in the council's unitary development plan and suggests it would suitable for car parking.


Plans show the houses would be set back in the site to allow for car parking at the front of the houses, and private gardens would be provided at the rear.


It states: "The main specific issue is the need to keep access to the residential development separate from access to the football club and the car parking to be kept separate."


A supporting statement for the development reports that the overall level of car parking on the site will remain 'more than adequate' for the football club and its associated activities.