We are now into the summer holidays for Barnsley schools. I know this is an exciting time for children across the area. It is a chance to spend time with friends and family, and take a break before the new school year.

Whilst this is always a popular season, it has been especially so this year as we have had the opportunity to enjoy the summer of sport, first with the Euros, and then with the Olympic Games.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the athletes and everyone who has been involved with the organisation of the Olympic Games for sharing their talents and hard work with us. It has motivated both adults and children alike to get moving, and has provided us with fantastic entertainment over the last few weeks.

As Minister for Sport, I was lucky enough to meet some of our brilliant athletes in Paris ahead of the Olympic Games, and their dedication and passion for their event was inspiring.

We have been lucky enough to have had some beautiful weather across the country and here in Barnsley, which has been perfect for getting inspired by Team GB, getting outdoors in our local area, and getting active over the summer break.

There are also lots of organised events taking place across Barnsley for people across the community to participate in this summer. I have included just a few of these events below and you can find more on my website at www.stephaniepeacock.org.uk/summer-activities-in-barnsley.

Barnsley Council are once again running their Healthy Holidays Clubs across the Borough to help families keep children active and healthy over the break. Children in receipt of Free School Meals can access the programme for free. To find out more and for a full list of Healthy Holidays Clubs with activities on offer, visit www.barnsley.gov.uk.

Elsecar Heritage Centre are hosting their Elsecar by the Sea trail, where children can search for hidden seaside objects at the facility. This is free, and is open during Elsecar Heritage Centre’s opening hours. To find out more about this and other events taking place, visit www.elsecar-heritage.com/whats-on.

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At Experience Barnsley, children can take part in a scavenger hunt, encouraging children to locate some of the team’s favourite treasures. This event is free, and more information can be found at www.experience-barnsley.com/whats-on.

For those who are interested in our natural environment, Worsbrough Mill are hosting a number of events outdoors, including the multi-sensory trail, and enchanted envelopes and pebble poems. Find out more at www.worsbrough-mill.com/whats-on.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved with co-ordinating these events. This isn’t an easy job, but I know that your hard work means a lot to families across Barnsley.

Though this is an exciting time for children, I know that the holidays come with a cost to parents. I have tried to compile a list of free or affordable activities and schemes included above, and on my website, but if there are any other events taking place across our area that you think would be helpful for others to know about, please let me know and I will add them to the list.

Another cost that can be difficult to manage is purchasing new school uniform ahead of the autumn term. That is why I am once again running my school uniform exchange programme over the holidays.

If you have any pre-loved school uniform that you can donate, or if you could make use of some, do get in touch. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch so far, whether this year, or in previous years.

If there is anything else you would like my support with, my office can be contacted at stephanie.peacock.mp@parliament.uk.