BARNSLEY’S world-renowned Egyptolgist Joann Fletcher will be giving a hometown talk to boost a new society dedicated to studying the ancient civilisation.

Joann will be at the Cooper Gallery on September 11 to kick-off the launch of new group, the Hapy (named after an Egyptian God) Society.

The lecture - named Ancient Egypt: New Stories - will see University of York professor Joann bring her detailed knowledge and background to stories from the ancient world.

Andrew Ward, the chair of the new society, said: “Working with Joann has been an inspiration to the members of the society.

“Her breadth and depth of knowledge adding hugely to the events held so far.

“She has been enormously supportive of this venture giving advice and her time freely to ensure that we move forward successfully.

“The group will be holding three lectures this year including Joann, David Loynes from Manchester and Bill Collier from Glasgow.

“As well as holding hieroglyph study groups for all levels of experience, the society will also be holding a series of talks and activities to inform members of some of the basic background ideas encountered in the study of Ancient Egypt.”

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The group is for people living in South and West Yorkshire and will be linked to the successful Wigan-based Horus Egyptological Society.

Andrew helped to form the society after being surprised there wasn’t already a dedicated group in the county.

More events are already in the pipeline.

Andrew added: “Hapy is a name which suggests a positive ethos for the group, and the God, represented in Egyptian art as a baboon, always had an association with the north - very appropriate for a Northern Egyptological Society.

“It is hoped that, like its inspiration, The Wigan Horus Society, the Hapy Egyptology Society will provide social occasions for those with an interest in Egyptology as well as informing and educating. “This is why the lecture ticket includes the price of a buffet to follow; a chance for attendees to meet the experts and chat with each other. Hopefully it’s a chance to meet new friends as well.”

Tickets for the event at the Cooper will be £15 which will include a buffet supper, tea or coffee. Anyone interested in joining the Hapy Society should visit