A MEETING will be held in Brierley next week to discuss the next phase of the HS2 high speed railway link.

The government confirmed the route for the proposed High Speed Two (HS2) railway which skirts the edge of the borough in July. 

Barnsley Council leader Steve houghton is arguing HS2 should have a parkway station in South Yorkshire and the best place for it is on the outskirts of Brierley. 

HS2's experts will be on hand to help people find out about the project, how it may affect them and what happens next. Leonie Dubois, of HS2, said: "We want to involve the public as we deliver it, so we are holding 28 public events for people to find out about HS2 and what the next steps are now that the Government has confirmed the Phase 2b route. 

"I'd encourage anyone who would like to know what happens now on HS2 to come along. 

"Around 20,000 people attended the last events we held along the length of the route, so we know the public really values the opportunity to come and talk with us." 

The meeting will be held at Burntwood Court Hotel on Monday (September 18) from 2pm to 8pm.