A POPULAR councillor who clocked up 49 years’ service before he died last year left donations to several groups close to his heart.

Charles Wraith MBE, known to most as Charlie, was elected in 1974 and served on numerous committees and eight governing bodies with Barnsley Council, most notably serving the Cudworth ward.

He died aged 80 but left ‘significant donations’ to several local organisations including Cudworth History Group and Chewin’ t’Cud magazine, as well as several others across Barnsley, including the hospice.

Members from both Cudworth groups gathered on Wednesday to raise a toast to Charlie.

Cliff Gorman, from the history group, said: “It came as a complete surprise but Charlie was well-known for his generosity, so we’re extremely thankful to him for including us in his will.

“He’s much-missed and was extremely popular not just in Cudworth but across Barnsley, too.”