THIS is the first look of the new £100,000 skate park being built on the edge of the town centre.
It is the largest and first in-situ concrete skate park in the borough and will be built in the Dearne Valley Country Park at Hoyle Mill.
Barnsley Council's Parks Services department and skate park designers Wheelscape said they are looking to have the park up and running by Easter.
News that work will start in the new year was welcomed by Coun Margaret Bruff, who has been at the forefront of the project since it was mooted.
"It's amazing," she said. "I think it will be the only one like it in town and sits into the ground and works within the contours of the ground.
"The really important part about this is it is the kids themselves who have helped design it. I never knew skate boarding was so intricate.
"The idea is if they designed it and that's what they want, then they will use it and not the town hall steps."
The £100,000 skatepark is being funded by money from housing developers that was put aside to benefit the community.
The plan came about after years of demands to Barnsley Council from youngsters who said they would like one built in or close to the town centre.
A number of sites were identified in September 2011 but the one considered the most suitable was at Dearne Valley Park.
Coun Bruff said the location was the best because it was still in the central ward meaning kids from across Barnsley could use it and it was accessible by foot and by road.
Coun Roy Miller, cabinet spokesman for development, environment and culture, said: "I'm pleased to be able to announce that work will start shortly on this much sought after skate park.
"I know there are a lot of skaters and BMX riders who will be looking forward to using it."