NEVER mind the Post Office scandal, let’s talk about the power HMRC have shall we?

Over eighteen months ago, my other half had a demand for a huge amount of ‘unpaid tax’, even though he’d just put in his tax return and paid what was owed.

‘Ignore it,’ said the accountant. ‘It’s an error and we’ve sent in an appeal.’

But then the OH was battered with demands from the HMRC and DAILY interest charges were being added on.

It was causing stress like you wouldn’t believe. So, despite him not even owing this money he paid it to stop the constant harassment and waited for the appeal’s process to sort it.

We chased it up this week to find they can’t look at it before end of October. Then you can add on another nine months for the repayment of money he didn’t even owe in the first place.

I wonder if HMRC will pay him daily interest for having cash they shouldn’t have had – but of course we know the answer to that because it only works one way.

And there ain’t a damned thing we, and others in the same trap, can do about it.

Don’t you just hate it when someone makes a total arse of themselves, it ends up all over YouTube – and the culprit is from Barnsley.

Ben Lindsay of Fitzwilliam Street decided to arm himself with soup especially to pour over ‘Posie Parker’ at a ‘Let Women Speak’ rally in Sheffield a couple of weeks ago.

Lindsay boasts online about being Southampton Uni’s first ‘Student Equality and Diversity associate’ but as usual with these types, he views some more equal than others (oh the irony) and such deeds really show the lie of any proclaimed stance.

And it’s too typical of more men than ever trying to shut up women these days. There is no provision in this climate for debate, for difference of opinion, there is just ‘my way is right, yours is wrong and so I have the right to attack you’ and that does not make for a healthy society.

It doesn’t matter if you agree with what Ms Parker says, she should not be subjected to physical attack by a six foot bloke who, if he is near enough to toss soup, could throw something far more corrosive.

Violence is violence, whoever does it, whoever is its subject. I’m not proud he’s from Barnsley, I’m disgusted and I hope they toss the book at the tosser Ben Lindsay in court next month.

My lad will be paying his university loan off forever. So it’s nice of Keir Starmer who probably got quite a few votes for his PLEDGE to abolish student fees, but now he’s in power – ha ha… he’s going to actually hike them up.

He scoffed at the Tories for considering taking the fuel allowance for oldies away then did it himself.

He’s running over the skint and vulnerable with a steamroller (one probably ‘gifted’ for the purpose). Next week, he’s introducing a tax on wheelchairs and wombs.

Monday, October 7, Parkway Cinema, 5.15pm, there will be a debut showing of a musical video recording of ‘Lean on Me’ featuring Tom Masters with the staff and patients of Barnsley Hospice in aid of National Hospice Care Week.

It’ll only last about half an hour and the more that come the merrier. The hospice gets very little funding from the NHS and has to rely on donations, so if you have anything to put in their collecting bucket, that would be lovely. Do pop in.