An art student who has made prosthetic heads for a London theatre returned to Barnsley College to share her story and inspire other youngsters.


Louise Lofthouse, 22, studied production arts at the college and spent time with the current crop of students to help them design and make props for their final show.


She went from the college to continue her studies and is on a prop making course at a top drama school in London. She has worked for Hampstead Theatre.


One project saw her produce a prosthetic head, fake claws and feet. She has also created props for window displays for the Ted Baker fashion house and for the Paradise Gardens Festival in London.Ex-Kingstone pupil Louise, formerly of Gawber, says her time at Barnsley College taught her invaluable skills.


She said: “I am always called upon by my fellow students or lecturers to set up lighting or paint a set as I am the only one on my course who can do everything.”