A SWIMMING instructor has raised over £2,000 for the intensive care unit which saved his friend’s life.

Robert Blackburn, 42, took on an epic challenge this summer and swam in the Great North Swim in Windermere along with family and colleagues from Royston Leisure Centre where he is a swimming instructor.

The team, including Robert’s daughter, work colleagues and friends, swam one mile and were in the open water for about an hour.

Robert, who won Proud of Barnsley award last year, said: “I wanted to support the ICU at Barnsley Hospital with my 2024 fundraising as they saved my friend Johny Humphries, last year.”

The team’s 2024 fundraising efforts raised £2,181 for the unit.

Jane Mills, Barnsley Hospital’s charity development manager, added: “Robert is a fundraising hero and wears his heart on his sleeve, always being the first to help out with charity events and fundraising.

“We are delighted that Robert has expanded his fundraising team to include family and colleagues from Barnsley Premier Leisure and we thank all of them for their amazing feat in this epic swimming challenge and the phenomenal total achieved.”