AVA-ROSE Dearden is only five years old but the love and support she shows her grandmother has earned her a Proud of Barnsley nomination.

Kerri Street, of Kingstone, has lived with mental and physical disabilities for many years but in the last couple of years her young granddaughter has amazed her with her caring nature.

“She may only be five but she has the head of a 15-20-year-old lady,” said Kerri, 43.

“She is so caring she always makes sure I have taken my medication and helps me into bed and into the shower.

“She used to come to stay with me and her grandpa a couple of times a week but due to a fire at their home, my daughter Chloe and Ava are staying with us at the moment and she is just amazing.

“It all started a couple of years ago when I fell sometimes due to my medical problems my legs just give way.

“She saw this happen and just dropped what she was doing and rushed to the bedroom and got me a pillow and made me comfortable before rushing to get her grandpa to help me.

“Since then, she is always looking to help me - she is such a caring little girl.

“Words just can’t describe how proud I am of her.”