A MONK Bretton youngster has raised more than £200 for Barnsley Hospice by creating and selling bracelets.

Myla Vivien Jobling, five, decided she wanted to raise money for the hospice after hearing what the charity does from her mum, 39-year-old Kirsty.

At her brother’s 18th birthday barbecue last weekend, she sold around 40 bracelets - raising £263 in the process.

Kirsty told the Chronicle: “She’s been on about doing something like this for a while.

“We spoke to her about what charities do and she said she wanted to do it for Barnsley Hospice.

“She absolutely loved doing it and we ended up actually running out of bracelets.

“She just wanted to do her bit for charity and she’s raised £263.

“She’s chuffed to bits.”