Barnsley South covers Darfield, Dearne North, Dearne South, Hoyland Milton, Kingstone, Rockingham, Stairfoot, Wombwell, and Worsbrough wards.

Stephanie Peacock Labour

I am proud to have been a visible and accessible MP over the last seven years, campaigning on issues that matter to our community.

Helping over 20,000 people locally, and standing up for Barnsley in Parliament, I have also served in a number of Shadow Ministerial roles.

Now, I’m asking you to re-elect me to serve Barnsley South.

After 14 years of the chaotic Conservatives, people feel worse off.

Labour can deliver the change we need.

We will tackle the cost of living and deliver economic stability.

Sustained economic growth is the only route to improving prosperity, and we have a plan to lower energy bills with GB energy.

Our public services are in crisis.

People are struggling to see a GP, so we will create 40,000 more NHS appointments every week, getting our health service back on track.

Schools are under too much pressure.

Labour will recruit 6,500 more teachers to ensure pupils get the best start in life.

This government has lost control of our borders.

Labour will launch a Border Security Command to tackle criminal smuggling gangs, restoring our border security.

Crime and antisocial behaviour has increased under this government and people have lost faith in the criminal justice system.

Labour would recruit thousands more police officers.

I have been proud to lead the campaign for justice on the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme, which Labour has committed to delivering.

A Labour government would transfer the £1.6bn Investment Reserve Fund back to former miners, giving an immediate uplift to pensions.

We have also committed to uncovering the truth about what happened forty years ago at Orgreave.

Labour has a fully-costed and funded plan.

But if you want change, you have to vote for it.

Vote Labour on July 4.

David White Reform UK

I am 59 years old and live in Barnsley with my fiancee and our mad cocker spaniel.

I choose to live here.

The scenery, the friendly people, the central location and the history.

I am a ward councillor here, and I genuinely enjoy helping people.

My rich life experience, including working for others in various sectors and personally employing many people in the UK and overseas, has given me the tools to handle many problems and complex situations.

My time as a councillor here has had me involved in neighbourly disputes, planning issues, personal relationship problems, fly-tipping, waste collection, tree management, resident loneliness, accessing essential core services and much more.

I understand also how local government works.

Everywhere that we look though, we see a broken country.

Education, NHS, crime, policing, uncontrolled immigration, and closer to home we have a council mired in £850m of self-inflicted debt, with several vanity projects exceeding budgets, often ten-fold.

Labour has tried and failed locally, at the council and Westminster levels.

Residents tell me, on an almost daily basis that we are never listened to or consulted.

That many of our towns here are neglected in favour of Barnsley town centre spending.

I agree.

So, what could I do if elected as a Reform UK MP?

I have already ‘stirred the pot’ locally many times.

I am determined, and passionate about fairness and opportunities for people to improve their lives.

Reform UK’s common sense policies resonate with many people.

I have also brought both Nigel Farage and Richard Tice to visit our town.

Not by accident.

I have a loud and respected voice within my party.

If anyone can get Barnsley on the national map, for the right reasons of investment, tourism and opportunities, I believe that person is me.

Simon Clement-Jones Lib Dems

I’m standing to be your MP because it’s time that Barnsley got a fair deal.

The Liberal Democrats are fighting for everyone to get fair deal on social care, with access to high quality social care when they need it, and better pay for our undervalued carers.

We want a fair deal for our children, so every child gets best start in life, with access to great schools and opportunities.

We’d also remove the cruel two-child benefits cap to help lift many Barnsley families out of poverty.

And we want better community policing, so people feel safe in their own homes.

As a Liberal Democrat councillor I know how to listen to residents and also how to stand up to Labour and with a likely Labour government you’ll need more strong Lib Dem voices in Parliament working for you.

Trevor Mayne Green Party

I’ve spent my whole working life in South Yorkshire and mainly amongst mining communities in the Dearne Valley.

I know Barnsley and the towns and villages around it really well, so I believe I can empathise with the issues residents face.

I moved with my wife to the borough 26 years ago, and in the 19 years to 2022 I worked for Barnsley Council in various environmental roles.

As well as being responsible for maintaining the wonderful Trans-Pennine Trail for several years, I ran the council’s nature reserves.

The majority of my time was as biodiversity officer, whereby I provided specialist wildlife advice to colleagues, residents, etc across the borough.

It was in this role that I became disillusioned with the council’s role in looking after our wildlife and green spaces.

In particular, I felt far too much land was taken out of the green belt by the Local Plan and allocated for housing and employment.

I would fight for a review of the plan something the council chose unilaterally not to do.

I fully support the Green Party’s priorities such as properly funding the NHS to reduce waiting times and increase access to a GP or a dentist.

I agree with the proposal to increase social housing by 150,000 a year, including by bringing empty houses back into use.

The party’s proposal to giving over 30 per cent of our land and sea to nature by 2030 not only halts the biodiversity crisis but alleviates climate change at the same time.

I’ve just finished a contract with Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust as a ranger and I’m back with them as a volunteer.

I’m also chairman of Birdwell Wheelers cycling club for whom I race and organise events.

Terry Robinson Socialist Labour Party

I’ve lived in Barnsley all my life.

After leaving school at 16, I started work as a miner, first at Wentworth Silkstone/Levy Colliery and when Levy closed, to Houghton Main, until that also was closed in 1992.

Since leaving the mining industry, I’ve worked as a heavy goods driver.

I’m happily married to Angela Robinson the proud father of two grown children, and a proud grandfather.

I’m standing for the Socialist Labour Party as a candidate in Barnsley South, challenging the Tories and Labour who are both responsible for Britain’s current crisis.

Health, education, housing and welfare provision are collapsing, yet the government spends over £200bn on defence weapons which it supplies to both Ukraine and Israel.

Our party condemns Israel’s unlawful, genocidal war on Gaza.

We want root-and-branch change in our society.

National Health Service: since 2001 there has been a continuous loss of NHS hospital beds while private health care flourishes. The Socialist Labour Party is committed to an NHS free for all at the time of need and on demand.

Pensions: In Britain, many people are growing old in poverty, unable to buy sufficient food or heat for their homes. We want pensions equal to the average, median wage in Britain.

Housing: sufficient local authority housing, and let’s tackle greedy private landlords and mortgages people can’t afford.

Education and Training: education and training for all our children and young people, while teachers get the pay and conditions they deserve.

Our party calls for all our basic industries and services to be held in proper public ownership: health care and education, water, energy, housing provision, welfare, telecommunications, the postal service and public transport.

That’s why I’m standing in Barnsley South for the Socialist Labour Party.

Maxine Spencer English Democrats

If you are undecided about who to vote for in this general election or have decided not to vote or you think voting for someone that does not represent one of the main parties is a wasted vote, then think again.

It is time to send a clear message to those that take your vote for granted that they must earn your vote.

If you do not vote then they will assume that you are happy with the way things are.

We have just seen the VE day commemorative events to remember the boys and girls that made so many sacrifices for this country, including sacrificing their lives and are we going to thank them for fighting for this country by just giving up now?

We need to make a stand to protect our rights, our freedom of speech, our culture and our country.

I was born in a modest house in London, that my family worked hard to pay for.

The law of compulsory purchase was introduced by the Labour government at that time and our home was seized and our family evicted, that was my first experience of homelessness I was just under five years old.

Even now I can remember us being dragged out of the house by police and being on the street for hours in the cold and walking around in the night trying to find somewhere to sleep.

When I was older and was homeless again it was easier to cope with but no human or even an animal should ever experience homelessness.

This is why I have big ideas of how we can address this.

Sometimes the unthinkable can happen, voting for a smaller party or the unknown can make a difference.

The unknown or the unexpected can get elected or if not, at least a smaller party doing well at a general election will send a clear message, that you are not happy with those that have represented you so far.

Many thought a positive Brexit vote would not happen and it did, so anything is possible.

Simon Biltcliffe Yorkshire Party

Barnsley has a choice in this election to lead the way in bringing the pride we have in the area to Westminster and driving forward devolution which is the only way to get real long term opportunity for the people of Barnsley.

A vote for the Yorkshire Party will send a message to all the major political parties that devolution matters to give the people of Barnsley South, and all of Yorkshire a better life.

Please join us in bringing this message strongly to Westminster that we have had enough of playing second fiddle to the south, and we want real devolution by voting for the Yorkshire Party in the upcoming election.