A DERELICT nursery is torched ‘every couple of days’ by arsonists, according to people living near to the abandoned building.
The old Kingpins Neighbourhood Nursery premises is all that remains in the former grounds of the old Kingstone school site which was sold off by Barnsley Council and developed for housing by Taylor Wimpey after it was granted planning permission in 2014.
The company that ran the nursery moved along with the rest of the school when it became Horizon Community College and no longer has any connections to the site.
Locals say since it became vacant, the building has become a beacon for fire bugs and some also believe people are using it as a shelter.
Following a blaze at the building last month, which was logged as deliberate by the fire service, Chronicle Facebook users were quick to react saying it is ‘torched every couple of days’, ‘needs pulling down’ and is a health and safety concern with fears someone will get seriously hurt.
Read more in this week's Barnsley Chronicle