A PAIR of pet-loving locals have started an appeal to help make sure abandoned and forgotten animals have somewhere warm to stay this festive period.

Chrissy and Gary Walker run Walker’s Pet Cremation and Home Euthanasia Services in Darfield, and since opening in June have seen countless grieving families come through their doors, mourning the loss of their furry loved ones.

For the festive season though, they’ve chosen to do something a bit more cheerful, as they raise funds to support rescue shelters that can protect animals during some of the coldest months of the year.

Chrissy told the Chronicle: “We get customers every day who’ve lost pets and decide to start looking after rescue animals.

“We realise that many pet rescue services get no funding, or are just relying on self funding.

“Everything we’ve done so far is mostly through Facebook, but we’re getting a really good reception.

“That’s raised £360 online, but then customers are coming in to help as well - one woman came in and donated £300.”

The service hopes to continue supporting rescue services into the new year, and are donating £500 to the appeal.

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“We’re happy to take donations of toys or pet food,” Chrissy added.

“Everything will be going to rescue services.”