It was confirmed this morning that the iconic Dickie Bird statue is back in safe hands after it was hijacked on its way to storage after being removed to raise the plinth.


Dickie's statue went walkabout from its site near his birthplace on Sunday and the Barnsley Not Baht Arts (BART) group has claimed responsibility.


From the group's headquarters in the world-famous Chennel's watering hole, a representative said: "Dickie is too international a star to be confined to a one-horse town like ours.


"We demand a barrel of Tetley and a barrel of Carlsberg for the Chennell's Raggy Lads or we will return him by the end of the end of the week.

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"In the meantime, we have used our international comrades to organise a world tour in order to find the most suitable site for Dickie."


Thankfully, the statue is now back in the safe hands of its sculptor Graham Ibbeson but during the 24 hours it went missing, it seems Dickie has been busy as bizarre images of him around the world were released by the group.