AN ‘accelerated release’ of cash which will pave the way for improvements to more council houses has been agreed.

A total of £2.8m has been made available - made up of £1.5m for ‘major adaptations and £1.3m for pre-programmed replacement works - following approval from Barnsley Council’s ruling cabinet members.

Level-access showers, wet rooms, entrance ramps, stairlifts and ceiling hoists have all been touted as first-to-do items in properties.

However, kitchen and bathroom replacements, new soffits, doors and windows have also been promised.

A report said: “Berneslai Homes, in partnership with the council, closely monitor performance of repairs and maintenance, financially and operationally, including the tracking of the accumulation of works - or ‘backlogs’ - that arise where demand outstrips available resources.

“Berneslai Homes have identified key areas where, subject to funding, there is the opportunity to accelerate the delivery of accumulated works, reducing the amount of accumulated works being rolled over for completion in 2025/26. “Whilst it is widely acknowledged at both a national and local level that the housing revenue account model is under significant strain, there are opportunities locally to ensure that our repairs and maintenance service is as efficient and effective as possible.

“Based on current workflows, confirmation that there is operational capacity to deliver the accumulated in-year works agreed to the estimated values for the equipment and adaptations and programmed replacements has been received.”