OAKHILL Primary Academy has been praised by Ofsted following its latest inspection.

The Ardsley school, based on Doncaster Road, currently has 336 children on its roll.

The inspecting governing body had formerly used an overall one or two word grade following an inspection.

However, this has now been scrapped with immediate effect - meaning schools will now only be issued gradings related to individual aspects of its performance.

The school was rated as ‘good’ at its previous inspection in 2019 and a report published earlier this month states the school is maintaining its standards.

It said: “Oakhill Primary Academy is a welcoming, inclusive school.

“Corridors are lined with pupils’ work to celebrate their learning.

“Pupils are proud to be part of the school.

“There is an air of positivity and motivation to succeed here.

“The school is ambitious for pupils’ learning.

“This ambition is realised.

“Staff take time to find out about pupils’ interests.

“This knowledge is then used effectively to engage pupils with learning, across the well-designed curriculum.”

Inspectors say attendance is something the school needs to work at, but overall praised leaders.

The report added: “Work with the local authority to improve attendance is having a positive effect on some pupils.

“However, while the school is doing all that it can, it recognises that improving pupils’ attendance remains a priority.

“The school has maintained the standards identified at the last inspection by ensuring that everyone shares their ambition for pupils to achieve highly.

“The local governing body and other leaders within the trust support and challenge the school well.

“They have effective oversight of the improvements that leaders at all levels are implementing.”