ROYSTON councillors are are hopeful of success after judges for the Yorkshire In Bloom competition arrived in the area last week.

Coun Caroline Makinson believes they will get the results they are hoping for after receiving the ‘outstanding’ award for their planters scheme and the ‘platinum award’ for the Royston Canal Club last year.

Couns Makinson, Pauline McCarthy and Dave Webster are members of the Royston Green Spaces Group who organise the entries each year and work with the volunteers to get everything looking its best.

They have offered their thanks to the wider volunteers across Royston who support these achievements in looking after the area’s green spaces, including members of Royston Canal Club.

They said: “We have our fingers crossed for the judging this year.

“Royston has always put on a fine display in both public spaces and private gardens and to have that recognised by an award is brilliant.”

If anyone would like to know more about the work of Royston Green Spaces Group, contact Caroline Makinson.