MARKET Parade will close tomorrow a week earlier than originally planned, the council has confirmed.
Traders in the market area underneath the multi storey car park were told on Monday it would close tomorrow and instead of next Saturday. Where possible, traders will be relocated into the food hall and May Day Green Market, which will continue to trade until October 27.
Coun Roy Miller said a significant amount of dust had entered Market Parade during preparatory demolition works which required a large cleanup operation.
He said: “Even though the dust was not harmful and the market was closed at the time, the demolition work has now been put on hold until Tuesday. However, there is a very tight timescale for completion of the demolition work and this has been further impacted by the work being put on hold.
“It’s important that we stay on track with the demolition programme to avoid further delays with the town centre regeneration, and the work needs to recommence as soon as possible to meet future deadlines agreed with Network Rail. Therefore we’ve taken the decision to permanently close Market Parade at the end of trading tomorrow so the demolition work can restart.
“We are in close discussion with the traders affected, and where possible traders may be relocated into the Food Hall and into the May Day Green Market to trade until Saturday October 27.
“Keeping the market open and trading right up until the move into The Glass Works has been our absolute priority during the redevelopment of our town centre. Disruption was inevitable but the exact impact was impossible to predict until the demolition work started on site.”
The main market hall is due to open on November 2. The food hall, which includes meat, fish and other food opened last month but Market Kitchen, which will house the market cafes, won’t be ready by November 2 because of complications with the design.
Existing cafes will now move in at the end of November with the exception of Hilton’s Cafe, which is in discussions to move in to the market hall in time for the opening.
Sharon Mills, owner of Hilton’s Cafe, said: “We’ve told our customers we are here until October 27, and a lot of people were banking on the last week’s trade.
“They’ve offered us a compensation package but it was the initial shock at having to close. I didn’t want to stop trading. Hilton’s Cafe is in discussions with the council and we are confident that Hilton’s Cafe will be trading and open in time for the soft opening on November 2 and the grand opening on November 3.
“We are the last remaining original cafe and it is personal for me. I started when I was 12 on the market and I’ve gone though the journey with my mum and dad and that’s why I didn’t want to miss the opening.”
Kaye Bouttell, of Kay’s Cafe, said she was disappointed to have to close earlier than planned.
“Five weeks is a long time, but at least the girls have got their wages. But we’ve got to move forward. We’re looking forward to our new place.”