BADGER baiting is at epidemic proportions in rural areas near Penistone, according to South Yorkshire Badger Group.

The group says it has noticed a sudden increase in interference to badger setts with the problem reaching epidemic proportions in woodland around the Wortley and Wharncliffe areas.

“A recent investigation found that out of 35 setts examined, 30 had been interfered with,” said Graham Shepherd, chairman of the group.

“The process usually adopted by badger baiters is to put a terrier wearing a tracer into a sett to confront a badger. A device above ground locates the position where the badger can be dug out of its home and either taken away, killed on the spot, or thrown to the dogs.

“Setts may also be blocked with a high chance of the badgers starving or suffocating to death.”

Badgers are a protected species and interference with them or their sett can result in a £5,000 fine or six months in prison.

“Despite the badger’s protected status, a few farmers and game keepers have been known to regard badgers as the enemy although they rarely cause significant problems,” said Graham.

“South Yorkshire Badger Group is licensed to carry out protections on vulnerable badger setts. This involves burying layers of impenetrable steel reinforcing and rubber sheets over the sett.

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“The process is costly and we are currently asking for donations on our website, or on our Gofundme appeal.

“Meanwhile if you see anything suspicious such as men approaching a sett with spades, terriers etc, please contact SYBG on 07722590184. If a crime is actually taking place ring the police immediately on 999.”