YOUNG adults with learning difficulties are being helped to prepare for life after education through a successful project in Barnsley - and now performing arts is the latest string added to their bow.
Opening Doors is a programme for those aged 19-25 which provides opportunities to prepare for work, live independently, grow in confidence and to be a part of their community.
Activities on offer vary depending on what each person taking part needs or wants to achieve. A key element is learning everyday life skills around the home - something they do in a specially adapted but otherwise ordinary house near the town centre, where they can clean, cook and eat without fear of getting anything wrong.
But now Opening Doors has teamed up with Qdos Creates at the Cooper Gallery to provide a weekly performing arts club.
It’s been running for a few weeks and has been a huge success according to Hannah Williams, special needs co-ordinator from Greenacre special school who is helping look after the project.
“They all absolutely love it, everyone is turning up to every session and having a great time,” said Hannah.
“Opening Doors is quite different as it’s not an educationally orientated programme. It’s funded through social care, through service users’ personalised budget.
“It’s about supporting them into work, or towards living independently, and being part of their community.”
Opening Doors is a community interest company run in association with Greenacre.
Sessions are every day from Monday to Friday, with work placement opportunities provided on Saturdays, usually at the Makery - a shop and cafe at Barugh Green run by students from Greenacre as an enterprise project.
“The service users do different things on different days, it could be as simple as going out into the community do go shopping.
“We also do alternative therapies, hydrotherapy, which is a swimming therapy, and rebound, which is trampoline therapy, physiotherapy.
“The performing arts is our newest element, it’s something they had been asking for and we’ve managed to set up.
“A lot of our young people are really interested in performing arts, but there is not a lot out there for them that takes account of their particular needs.
“They do dance and drama, which is really all about developing their confidence, and their speaking and listening skills.
“But we do hope it will lead to some public performances soon.”
At the moment Opening Doors can cater for up to ten young people at a time, and currently works with 16 individuals who don’t all come every day.
“Hannah said they would like to be able to expand and offer the service to more people.
Anyone interested in being involved should email or call 287165.