THE council has announced that it is delaying the start of green bin collections so that staff can concentrate on getting all other bin collections back on track.

It says that brown and grey collections are now back on schedule but it remains behind on blue bins.

A council spokesperson said: “Green bin collections will now start again from April. This is a change to the original scheduled date of Tuesday March 4. Residents should place their green bin out on their first scheduled collection day in April.

“We have taken the decision to delay the start of green bin collections so that staff who would be working on them can instead help us get all other bin collections back on track, while also maintaining safety and quality standards.

“Catching up on delayed bin collections has taken longer than we’d hoped, and we’re sorry that some people are still experiencing delays.

“We’re now back on schedule for brown and grey collections but remain behind on blue bins.

“Our extra teams have been working hard to support our crews as they not only recover progress on collections but also get fully up to speed with their health and safety training as part of our Be Safe, Work Safe, Target Zero programme.

“Since we started the programme we’ve seen a reduction in avoidable accidents, which is good news. It does mean that crews are working more safely, but slower. This is something we’re factoring into our collection schedules going forward. Please continue to put your grey, blue and brown bins out on your normal scheduled day.

“Garden waste can be taken to any of our Household Waste Recycling Centres.”

Matt O’Neill, Executive Director for Growth and Sustainability said: “We’ve made good progress catching up on the delayed collections. With 115,000 scheduled collections each week, it does take time for us to recover.

“We have seen an increase in incorrect and misleading information being shared on social media, saying this disruption is down to a new manager introducing new rules. This is not true. The Safety and Quality programme launched last year is a programme of engagement and enhanced training. Our focus is to make sure our crews protect their health and safety and go home to their families at the end of the day.

“The waste collection industry is one of the most dangerous industries in the UK and has seen too many people lose their lives, so we won’t be complacent or risk the welfare of our employees or the public.

“We know it’s frustrating for residents when their bin collections are disrupted, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. We ask residents to continue to put their grey, blue and brown bins out on their normal scheduled day, and to leave any delayed bins out. We will get to them as soon as we can.”