VIRGIN Media is continuing to connect new customers to its super-fast broadband network in Barnsley despite knowing it is not fit for purpose, furious customers claim.

A Chronicle investigation has revealed customers all over Barnsley are paying for broadband speeds in some cases more than 100 times faster than the speeds they really get at peak times because of a ‘local network issue’ which has been ongoing for months.

“The word the engineer used to me was over-subscribed,” said furious IT technician Jack Wordsworth, 23, of Calabria Grove, Barnsley, who joined Virgin last summer on a 50mb package but averaged about 3mb during peak times. He was paying more than £30 a month for broadband alone.

“I was not informed there would be any problem with my speed when I joined. They are still not telling people and they are still signing up new customers to services in Barnsley knowing their network is over-subscribed. It’s not fit for purpose.”

Read more in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle