FLOODING seen across Barnsley over the weekend was made worse or even caused by blocked drains, gullies and culverts, claim many of the residents affected.
Surface water flooding made it into several homes and scores of gardens across the borough on Friday night and Sunday night. Many major roads saw significant flooding including Stairfoot roundabout.
Ardsley was just one of many areas affected and residents there all believe the problems were entirely due to drains in the area, including those on the main Doncaster Road.
“Yorkshire Water have been out and told me that,” said one resident of St Paul’s Parade. “They’ve spray-painted two arrows on the road next to a manhole showing the council where they need to power-blast it through.
“The man from Yorkshire Water has managed to put a little hole through which should improve matters but it all needs blasting out and it’s the council’s job.”
Read more in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle