RESIDENTS whose houses surround Barnsley Football Club’s Oakwell home have raised their concerns about parking on matchdays - with many unable to get to their own properties due to road closures.

There is currently a 30-minute road closure before kick-off on Grove Street and surrounding roads on matchdays.

Locals say that they have been unable to engage in any sort of meaningful conversation with the club and feel ‘ignored’.

Midweek games are also an issue, residents say, due to many being unable to park outside their own homes when returning from work.

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We’re basically being blocked from accessing our own homes.

“The football club just seem to be refusing to speak with residents.

“We’ve got residents who have got kids - if their dance lessons finish at 7.30pm they’re having to wait at the bottom of Grove Street.

“They won’t let anyone in the area, even if you live there.

“And then when you are allowed on the road you can’t park there 90 per cent of the time because some fans have parked outside the houses.

“The system is completely messed up.”

Couns Nicola Sumner, Janine Moyes and Martin O’Donoghue - all of the Central ward - have vowed to support residents’ complaints.

A joint statement said: “We understand there is frustration from some residents over parking and the road closures in place on matchdays at Oakwell.

“Thousands of fans descend on Oakwell and they need to be managed safely.

“That means a multi-agency approach with the football club, police and council all involved.

“As councillors we have raised concerns of residents within the council, with the local police and the football club.

“It hasn’t been straight forward but we want to assure residents we support them on this and will continue to work to get the right people around the table.

“In July we called a public meeting at Barnsley FC to address resident concerns over an increase in crime at Oakwell.

“A package of measures were put in place at Oakwell including a designated police officer, CCTV and horse patrols.

“We are now working on the issue of matchdays and trying to make things better.”

Coun Sumner added: “At the residents’ meeting last July, parking came up and I will be honest, there was anger in the room over it.

“I promised residents we would get to the bottom of it once and for all.

“That commitment hasn’t changed.

“However, if we manage to get the right people around the table, I am still not sure what residents want overall.

“If there are solutions to this, it has to be in consultation with them.”

A spokesperson for Barnsley FC told the Chronicle that any residents wanting to speak with the club should get in touch and the issue has recently been discussed at a club meeting.

They added: “A member of the local residents’ group sits on the Barnsley FC Fan Advisory Board and the issue of road closures was discussed in our December 2024 meeting.

“The temporary 30-minute road closure is for the safety of all attendees to the matches.

“The matter has been regularly debated during safety meetings which involve the council, emergency services and the club.

“We are always willing to discuss all matters with locals residents and we would encourage anyone with any concerns can email us at and we will arrange meetings with members of the senior leadership team.”