THREE local councillors have backed residents’ concerns around road safety and have called on Barnsley Council to do something now ‘rather than waiting for a serious incident to occur’.

Darton East councillors Dickie Denton, Steve Hunt and Leyla Nayeri - all of whom are members of the Liberal Democrat party - have launched a petition for changes to be implemented on Limes Avenue in Staincross.

They say that residents have been in contact regarding concerns around the current state of affairs on the street, particularly at the junction with Shaw Lane.

Coun Hunt said the council must implement parking restrictions on Limes Avenue due to problem parking near to the junction.

He says this is compromising safety due to reduced visibility and the narrowing of the Limes Avenue carriageway near to the junction. ( The three councillors have subsequently set up a petition, which has been well received by residents, which asks the council to reinstate the hatched area on the carriageway on Shaw Lane by the junction with Limes Avenue to enable traffic to exit from Limes Avenue more easily when there is traffic queuing on the approach to the Turnpike crossroads.

He said this must be done now, rather than waiting for a serious incident to occur.

Coun Hunt told the Chronicle: “Our residents regularly contact us with road safety concerns.

“As a result of this the Liberal Democrat councillors in Darton East have made road safety a priority issue.

“When multiple residents contacted us expressing concern about this busy junction and the number of parked cars in the vicinity increasing the risk of an accident we did not hesitate to help.

“Residents have informed us of many near misses as due to the parking, traffic is having to use the middle of Limes Avenue near the junction.

“Our petition calls for Barnsley Council to implement parking restrictions on Limes Avenue near to the junction with Shaw Lane to make it safer.

“There have been too many accidents, some resulting in fatalities, in and around Darton East in the past few years and we will continue to campaign as well as work with the council to make our roads safer.

“We will be looking for positive action from the council on receipt of this petition when it is discussed at cabinet.”

Coun Dickie Denton added that he will continue to support residents with any concerns that they may have.

He said: “Every week residents talk to me about road safety in Darton East.

“With the increasing number of developments in the ward this is only going to become a bigger issue as traffic increases unless we take proactive, meaningful and proportionate action right now.

“This petition demonstrates both the concern and frustration that is felt and I will continue to support this and other initiatives to address this critical issue.”