A GRATEFUL teenager who miraculously beat cancer as a baby has never forgotten the compassion and care provided to her at Sheffield Children’s Hospital - and to this day works to brighten up the days of the children who are forced to spend a stint there.

Lily Atkinson, now 14, was diagnosed with stage four intermediate risk neuroblastoma when she was just 11 months old.

She underwent surgery to remove the primary tumour in her chest cavity and then intensive chemotherapy for six months as the cancer had spread to her whole skeleton.

Lily underwent gruelling treatment - in addition to the chemotherapy she had bone marrow tests, MIBG scans, CT scans and a lumbar puncture as a baby and took her first steps on the ward M3 at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

She got the all clear shortly before her second birthday in February 2022 and every year since - with the help of her sister Grace - has been collecting donations of toys, books and games for the children at the hospital.

Her mother, Angela, told the Chronicle: “It’s been amazing.

“She’s definitely not let everything that’s happened get to her, she’s always smiling.

“The last time we took the cage of toys it was actually completely full - we get more and more every year and the response this time has been amazing.

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“She’ll be trying to do it again every year.”

For her consistent hard work, Lily has been nominated for this year’s Young Champions awards, which Angela admits she may be ‘a bit embarrassed’ about.

“She comes across as kind of shy,” she added.

“But for me what she does is such a big achievement.

“She’s done it for several years now so it’s nice to get some recognition.”