AN amateur dramatics veteran who was instrumental in bringing back pantomimes to the town centre is welcoming a new guard to the production.

Dale Rivers resurrected pantomimes at Trinity Hall on Crookes Street back in 2010, but with his latest production - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which will take place on January 17 and 24 - he’s hoping to push new and young performers into the limelight.

Unlike previous years, this show will feature a noticeably younger audience, as 23 junior members are taking to the stage, alongside some old favourites.

Dale said: “Casting was problematic with several adult regulars deciding to take a year off.

“Thankfully we have a lot of juniors who have come up through the ranks and that is great.

“The eldest of those is Jessica Batty who is now 16, but has appeared regularly since the age of five.

“They were all eager to step up and we’re confident that audiences will love them.

“We still have regular favourites such as Bob Willerton, his daughter Alice Love and Steve Tasker as the dame, while Merrel Gallon returns to Trinity after a 15-year absence to play the Queen.

“We even have a new backstage team including Alan Fairbanks and Phil Handley.”

Tickets are available online at or by calling 07510 967772.