WAITING restrictions outside a Carlton school are set to be approved by the council following public consultation.

In May the council published proposals to introduce waiting restrictions on parts of Fish Dam Lane and its junction with Manor Farm Close in Carlton.

The plans were submitted due to concerns of problem parking on the highway outside Carlton Primary School.

A report states: “Fish Dam Lane is a busy carriageway which serves residential and commercial properties as well as Carlton Primary School.

“It is also a route for buses and heavy goods vehicles.

“In recent years, parent drop-off and pick-up parking has become an increasing problem near the school.

“Parking currently takes place on both sides of the carriageway, compromising sight lines and creating road safety implications.

“Having investigated the issue, it is proposed to introduce waiting restrictions on parts of both sides of Fish Dam Lane and its junction with Manor Farm Close.

“The proposal is regarded as the best and most appropriate option to counter and deter the inconsiderate, obstructive and illegal parking.”

Five objections to the plans have been submitted to the council.

“The residents are concerned that by denying parking on the proposed waiting restrictions will leave drivers no option but to park across residents’ driveways or even double park outside the layby causing traffic problem,” the report added.

“The objectors mentioned that in the 80s all the properties had ‘H’ markings protecting access to driveways, however, when the road was resurfaced in the 90s, the H markings were not reinstated.

“The objectors have requested the H marking to be reinstated to help deter vehicles from parking across driveways.

“There are some concerns that the proposed restrictions will be ignored due to lack of enforcement officers.”

However the proposals are set to be passed by the council on Wednesday and a ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction will be passed.

The report added: “It is accepted that the proposed waiting restrictions will create other problems elsewhere as all traffic regulation orders do.

“The proposed waiting restrictions are necessary in this location to counter and deter the inconsiderate, obstructive, and illegal parking observed in the vicinity of Carlton Primary School.”