Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I’ve been singing this to myself for over a week now, and to be quite honest with you it’s beginning to get right on my nerves


I’d like to be all grown up about the white stuff, and say things like ‘I wonder how bad the roads are’ and ‘I hope it doesn’t last for too long’, but the truth is I just can’t.

I got so excited with the first little flutters of white, I get as excited as all the kids.

Let’s face it, somewhere deep down inside lurks the memories of childhood.

The child that over the years has been pushed down below to make room for the sensible adult within us, jumps out and starts to sing, yes, you’ve guessed it, ‘let it snow, let it snow, let it snow’.

You see, as we get older, there are very few moments in our lives when we can find an excuse to feel like a child again.

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Unless, like me, you go out of your way to look for them… I could just walk down the street, and without any other reason other than the ‘urge’ make a snowball and throw it at someone.

Yes, anyone - it doesn’t really matter who your victim is, because hopefully they’ll see the funny side and throw one back, and before long the whole street will be outside, laughing and having fun.

Could you just imagine if all of us grown-up, sensible people did just that? We could build a giant snowman in the middle of the road and then everyone else would have to phone into work because of the snow, instead of just saying ‘I’m really sorry but I won’t be able to make it into work today because the snow is too bad’.

You could truthfully say ‘I’m sorry but I won’t be able to get into work today because a ten-foot snowman is standing in the middle of the roads, and he is refusing to let anyone pass’.

And your boss would just laugh and say ‘me too!’ Of course, I doubt that would ever happen… I think that for me the urge is just too great, and I can’t hold it back.

Take for example when I’m walking down the road feeling all grown up and responsible, up to now I have always resisted the urge to throw a snowball at someone willy-nilly.

When I walk past someone’s garden, or that lovely big stretch of grass that no-one has touched yet, I do have to tell myself to just walk past and under no circumstances give in to temptation.

I know that I have to do the grown-up thing, but the voices in my head are shouting out ‘go on, yer know yer want to run across that lovely untouched snow and no-one’s looking’.

I do the ‘let’s look casually over my shoulder and check that no-one’s watching me’ thing. I‘d then make out that I was looking for my dog that has run away, the dog that I don’t really have, and then I could just run around in the snow, sometimes kicking it widely into the air, I could even lay down and make snow angels, then suddenly I would just jump up and walk away as though nothing had happened.

Of course, I know deep down that no matter what the small child inside of me wants to do I probably would need to put a plan into place as to how the hell I was going to get back up.

So, I may just kick the snow up and plod along whilst my mind goes wild.