A NEW bus service will be created in Darfield after a local councillor took residents’ concerns to Stagecoach’s head office.

Coun Kevin Osborne, who represents the Darfield ward, believes that Stagecoach’s changes to the bus timetable in August have not worked as planned.

He said he has been contacted by locals who say buses are regularly late, cancelled or simply drive past them without stopping.

It subsequently led to him arranging a meeting with the bus firm’s bosses, which took place last week, and he’s hopeful that a solution may have been found.

An additional 218 service will now be implemented, running five minutes behind the current 8.06am service which start at Nanny Marr Road.

The service will not appear on the official timetable, but Kevin has been assured it will still run as planned.

He is also urging passengers being impact by the 218 service being full to consider using that service.

He said: “During a productive 90 minutes we discussed the recent challenges bus passengers are experiencing within Darfield ward.

“I presented individual cases of late running, cancelled services and buses running full, leaving passengers stranded at stops.

“He took the time to note each incident and admitted that since August 31 there have some difficulties, especially with peak morning services.

“We discussed possible solutions to these issues, including some presented from direct engagement with residents.

“He advised that since my first engagement with him Stagecoach Yorkshire had arranged for passenger analysis to be conducted on all routes that service Darfield.”

The 219 service, which runs from Barnsley Interchange to Doncaster Interchange, has also been fraught with issues according to residents.

But a low bridge on the route has meant it is unsuitable for a double decker bus to be used.

Kevin added: “The 219 can’t be a double decker due to a low bridge on the route but every driver will be encouraged to ensure all standing passengers move down the bus to maximise capacity and that if anyone gets left behind that is recorded.

“He stated it is a service we will ‘keep an eye on’.

“I stated I will take up the issue of potentially removing a disused railway bridge span with Doncaster Council.

“He took on board passenger comments regarding Saturday and Sunday services, especially back from Barnsley to Darfield in the afternoon/early evening.

“I referenced retail shop workers left stranded in Barnsley after 4pm on Sunday.

“He stated that will be taken into account/considered in the next timetable assessment, due around Easter next year.”

Coun Osborne praised John Young, Stagecoach’s commercial director - and he’s urging locals to get in touch directly rather than airing their concerns online.

He added: “I stated I would engage with the Netherwood School bus provider to discuss reports of poor behaviour/bullying on the bus that makes some school pupils reluctant to catch it and use a service bus instead - thus adding to overcapacity, especially on the 219,

“It was clear that John Young was as passionate about buses as I am at ensuring we get the service our community deserves.

“It is frustrating that the 219 can’t be changed at this stage but the additional 218 shadow service may allow a few more passengers to get to work/college on time.

“As ever I am always happy to hear direct from passengers/residents regards these services.

“The emails I received in the last two weeks allowed me to present direct personal experiences to John Young.

“These hit their target than a wide-ranging social media post could.”