SWIFT justice is being served to those who were involved with violent riots that saw 51 officers sustain injuries two weeks ago.

Police and prosecution services have cracked down on those who confronted officers outside the Holiday Inn Express at Manvers on Sunday August 4, with eight people already receiving prison sentences.

The day saw 700 people turn out to a planned protest, with rioters hurling missiles at officers and the hotel itself, before breaking into the building and setting a fire at its side door.

Since that day there has been a strong response, with police working tirelessly to get those involved behind bars.

The first conviction made was of 18-year-old Kenzie Roughley, who within five days of the incident, was arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced.

The teenager from Pontefract was caught on camera and his finger prints were found on a CCTV van that was damaged on the day.

He will now spend two years and four months behind bars after being sentenced last Friday.

Meanwhile, a haulage business owner who claimed he ‘got caught up in the day’ was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison, received a criminal behaviour order (CBO) for ten years and was ordered to pay £228 in fees.

Ricky Hardman, 41, of Norfolk Road, Great Houghton, was seen confronting police and was pictured brandishing a piece of wood.

He admitted that he had ‘probably gone too far’, though was reluctant to show remorse, claiming that ‘he came off worse than any officer’ he suffered minor injuries from having his hand hit with a baton.

Meanwhile, 22-year-old Kaine Hicks, of Wombwell Road, Platts Common, contacted police himself after his image was circulated online by SYP as they searched for people they wished to speak to in connection with the disorder.

But he proved uncooperative with the police, answering ‘no comment’ when questioned by officers.

During the disorder he targeted a smaller female officer while screaming vulgar, hostile language at those on the front line.

Evidence stacked against Hicks, as videos showed him being verbally abusive and shoving officers, leaving him no option but to plead guilty to violent disorder. He was similarly sentenced to two years and eight months in prison, and given a CBO for ten years.

A 60-year-old from Wombwell claimed he only visited the hotel out of curiosity, but was seen aggressively attacking officers and trying to grab a riot shield from one’s hands.

Glyn Guest’s behaviour was caught on camera, and he has now been sentenced to two years, eight months in prison.

During the sentencing at Sheffield Crown Court Judge Jeremy Richardson KC said: “You have brought shame on yourself and the town of which you are a resident.”

Elliot Wragg, 23, of Assembly Way, Kingstone, was in denial about his involvement, only responding ‘no comment’ to questions from police.

However social media videos caught him throwing objects at officers, leading to a guilty plea and a sentence of two years and four months.

Yesterday, Paul Sissons, 37, of Two Gates Way, Shafton, appeared in the dock and was due to be sentenced after pleading guilty to violent disorder earlier in the week.

His case was adjourned until Friday, August 23.

Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Ben Wood said: “We have now seen eight thugs held accountable for their despicable behaviour at Manvers on Sunday 4 August.

“All these criminals played a part in the abhorrent violence and vile abuse our officers were forced to endure.

“Since the horrendous scenes, we have had officers working round the clock to bring those responsible for these deplorable acts of violence to justice.

“These sentences should be a reminder to those involved that you will be arrested, you will be put in front of a judge, and you will be punished.”