AN ankle-breaking skydive hasn’t dampened the spirits of a group of avid fundraisers who have raised more than £12,000 in memory of a young woman who died from epilepsy.

Jyneen Haughie’s sister, Clareese, died aged just 22 in September last year after suffering with epilepsy throughout her life.

In her memory Jyneen, who runs The Corner Pin, has been raising funds and awareness for the Epilepsy Society.

In March the pub hosted a family fun day which included a tombola raffle with signed football shirts and dart boards amongst the exciting prizes as well as a body waxing fundraiser raise a total of £1,100 raised for the charity.

The pub has also been actively fundraising and advertising their upcoming challenges and events within the venue through collection buckets which have performed exceptionally well.

They’re set to host another family fun day event at the pub, based in the town centre, on October 11.

Jyneen told the Chronicle: “I arranged this in memory of my little sister who we suddenly lost in September 2023.

“She had suffered with epilepsy throughout her short life and upon the autopsy results this is what took her from us.

“We are making donations in her memory to the Epilepsy Society.”

On Sunday, June 16, Jyneen was joined by 22 other fundraisers who travelled to Lancaster to complete a skydive on what would have been Clareese’s 23rd birthday.

And despite one of her team suffering a broken ankle, it didn’t dampen their spirits too much.

She added: “The skydive went well.

“The first lot of us went up and landed no problem.

“The second group all landed well apart from one member which resulted in us needing the air ambulance to attend.

“We’re rearranging for the remaining few to complete their jump at a later date at a different airfield.”

She originally hoped to raise £5,000 over the course of the year for the worthy cause, however after accomplishing this goal by April 2024, the pub team set their sights on achieving £10,000 for the charity.

They’ve now smashed that target having raised well over £12,000.

“Since losing my sister to an epilepsy related condition, supporting Epilepsy Society has been hugely important to me,” she said.

“I am consistently amazed by how the Corner Pin pub community support and rally around us and the cause that is so close to our hearts.

“Our regulars are incredible, and we really could not have raised £12,000 without them.

“A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us, we’ve got plenty more fundraisers lined up.”

The group have subsequently been nominated for a Proud of Barnsley award in the Fundraising Team category, much to their delight.

Jyneen added: “That’s amazing.

“It’s really exciting to be nominated.”