A GROUP of Barnsley College staff have raised more than £1,000 for a local charity after taking on the gruelling Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge.

The 20-strong team have raised £1,370 so far for Barnsley Independent Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support (BIADS) through sponsors for completing the 25-mile hike.

The demanding trek saw the team scale Ingleborough, Whernside and finally Pen-y-Ghent, covering more than 1,700 metres of ascent in total.

Emily Morriss, HR business partner at the college, said: “What we did was unbelievably tough - when you hear it’s a walking challenge you think it can’t be too testing, but it truly is.

“The weather was not on our side and we all had to dig deep.

“The only thing that kept us going when our bodies wanted to stop was thinking of BIADS and how our donation will help provide support for those with dementia and their family and friends.

“Against the odds every member of the team completed this gruelling challenge and was proud to have helped to make a difference to such an important cause.”

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