PLANS to build almost 200 homes just a stone’s throw away from the M1 are set to be approved by Barnsley Council’s planning board despite dozens of objections being fielded by local residents - but the applicants will have to put more than £1m back into the community.

Avant Homes have submitted the plans to build a total of 179 homes on land off Smithywood Lane and Calver Close in Gilroyd.

The western parcel of the land will house 38 dwellings - 14 of which would be ‘affordable’ - whilst the eastern part would hold the remaining 141 properties.

This will consist of 30 pairs of semi-detached houses, eight blocks of three terraced houses, two blocks of four terraced properties and 49 detached dwellings.

Forty of those will be classed as affordable housing.

A report states: “The creation of 179 dwellings, in an area adjoining existing residential properties within a site which is previously undeveloped, would inevitably result in some noise and disturbance as a result of vehicular movements and residential activities.

“However, the two sites were allocated for housing through the Local Plan process where such factors were assessed.

“In addition, the surrounding area is predominantly residential in nature.

“There will inevitably be noise and disturbance during construction which, given the size of the development, could occur over an extended period of time.

“This will be controlled by restricted working hours and a construction method statement.”

The plans have been earmarked for approval and will be discussed by members of the council’s planning board on Tuesday despite 33 local residents objecting to the application.

Former Coun Peter Fielding and Coun Chris Wray both raised concerns about the plans - though the latter did not officially object to the plans - stating it would have a detrimental effect on the highway network as well as a strain on local services and infrastructure.

Loss of green space, increased noise and reduced highway safety were among the concerns submitted by residents.

Coun Wray said: “As with any development, it needs to be the right thing for the area and for Barnsley.

“Peter Fielding and I commented on behalf of residents two-and-a-half years ago, also raising that the application didn't meet the council's local plan.

“Two and a half years have passed, and the plan may have changed.

“I will go into planning with both the residents and Barnsley in mind and ensuring I do my job right."

The report added: “It should be noted that the site is within the vicinity of the M1 - junction 37 - which forms part of the strategic road network.

“As a result, National Highways placed a holding direction on the application for a number of months while modelling and further surveys and studies took place, particularly with regard to planned future development within the wider area including MU1.

“However, following the modelling and surveys National Highways were satisfied the strategic road network would not be significantly impacted as a result of the development, therefore, they lifted the holding direction and raised no objections subject to conditions.

“The data provided within the transport assessment shows that the traffic generated by this development will not have a severe impact on the existing highway network.

“Modelling was provided for all junctions where the development was anticipated to generate over 30 additional vehicle movements per peak hour up to and including junction 37 of the M1.”

As part of the application, the council are seeking more than £1m in section 106 funding - cash set aside by developers for the community - to be put into local schools.

A total of 37 primary school pupils at £16,000 each will total £592,000 whilst secondary schools will receive £416,000.