BARNSLEY Council will continue to support businesses been affected by the pandemic after the furlough scheme ended last Thursday.

Since the start of the pandemic, the council has committed more than £75m to providing financial support to more than 5,500 businesses.

This funding has helped with rent relief, businesses grants and personalised support on a case-by-case basis.

The council is therefore asking those who need it to contact their helpdesk and to book an appointment by email or by calling 775100.

Coun Tim Cheetham, cabinet spokesperson for place, said: “Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve received over 740 enquiries into our helpdesk.

“We’ve been on hand to provide information, advice and guidance for residents and businesses.

“This has included helping people in their search for employment, supporting people to access training and development options, as well as general support to issues people and businesses have faced in response to the pandemic.

“We’re committed to offering training, development and opportunities to protect jobs and keep people in work.

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“If you’re anxious about the national changes to furlough, contact our teams for support.”