‘RIDICULOUS’ speeding hotspots are being tackled by police after residents and councillors raised serious safety concerns as a result of reckless driving.
Residents on High Street, Worsbrough, have complained of near misses and noise pollution on the street and surrounding areas.
Coun Jake Lodge is running a campaign to tackle the problem.
He said: “Since being elected in 2019, I have been receiving complaints about the large amount of speeding that happens on roads in Worsbrough.
“In some hotspot areas, including High Street, Genn Lane and Kingwell Road, it is absolutely ridiculous.
“As these are residential areas with access to parks and green spaces, which people are genuinely reluctant to use due to the speeding in the area.
“As part of my work I have been leading a campaign to improve road safety, which has included the council’s highways department completing a lot of work on roads in Worsbrough.
“I have been collating lists of hotspot roads and witnessed some serious speeding myself in those areas.
“I’m now working with South Yorkshire Police, who have been conducting speed surveys, and I am hoping to arrange some regular community speedwatch events.
“Hopefully this will have a positive impact and improve the safety of roads for pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers.”
Neighbourhood police officers have been monitoring the sites over the past few months, and plan to continue speed operations and patrols in the near future.
Sergeant Dan Goodinson added: “We know speeding drivers are a real concern for local people, it is an issue that is commonly raised with officers on patrol, at engagement events and online on social media.
“One of the key tools for deterring speeding is speed enforcement operations, which we are able to conduct on 30mph roads, such as Genn Lane and Kingwell Road.
“Both of these locations have been subject to proactive enforcement operations in recent months and are part of our wider list of hotspots across the six wards areas that we cover.
“Where we conduct these operations, they do prove effective, with education being a key part of the activity.
“Alongside these operations by local policing teams, our operational support unit are regularly carrying out patrols, shaped by local knowledge and concerns raised by the public.
“Work to tackle speeding is also supplemented by our Safer Roads Partnership who are able to utilise their resources on roads where the speed limit is higher than 30mph, such as High Street in Worsbrough.
“We are working with the partnership to put plans in place for the coming months.”