A CLEAN-UP service which has helped volunteers clear rubbish from across the borough launched an appeal for more volunteers to get stuck in.

Tidy Team, which is commissioned by Barnsley South Area Council, support people to tackle litter and fly-tipping.

Since the first lockdown in March last year, the team’s been providing volunteers with equipment, gloves, sanitiser and bags as part of their government-allotted exercise break.

A post was published on the Tidy Team’s Facebook page with overwhelming success with more 50 requests for volunteer packs.

Jo Dransfield, of the South Area Tidy Team, said: “The response has been phenomenal where within days we’ve had over 50 requests for the volunteer packs.

“As the response has been so positive, there may be a slight delay in getting your volunteer pack to you.

“We don’t anticipate this being too long so we will get it to you as soon as possible.

“We are expecting a delivery of litter-picking tongs and hi-vis Tidy Team volunteers’ vests this week.”

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To volunteer with the team, email volunteerwithtidyteam@gmail.com or call 749119.