Major changes are to be introduced into the household refuse collection days across Barnsley.


Every home will be affected by the new timetable which will see some recycling bins only emptied once every four weeks.


The changes have been caused by Council budget cuts and the dwindling value in real terms of some recyclable materials.


Starting in December the new system will be rolled out across the borough. That will see changes in how often bins and emptied and changes in what materials can be put into which bins.


The only bins not affected in any way are the grey bins of household rubbish which go into landfill and which will still be emptied every two weeks.


But once the new system is underway cardboard cannot be put, as at present, in green bins alongside garden waste.


Under the new rules garden waste only can be placed in green bins.


They will be emptied every two weeks during spring, summer and autumn, but only every four weeks during the winter when historically there is little garden waste.


Cardboard will have to be put into the blue bins which currently take newspapers.


New plastic sacks will now be provided for newspapers and the cardboard  in the blue bins and the newspaper sacks will be collected for recycling every four weeks.


Glass, plastic bottles and cans will also continue to be collected in brown bins - that will remain the same, but they will only be emptied once every four weeks.