Committed schoolgirl Olivia Allen left Hoylandswaine Primary School last week having not had a day off in seven years.
Olivia, 11, of Green Hill Grove, was ever-present at her village school since starting in 2005.
She was presented with an award recognising the achievement by headmaster Brian Woodhead at a leavers’ assembly in Hoylandswaine Church last Thursday.
Proud Mum Sarah, 44, said: “When she felt slightly off it she pushed herself.
“Every year she kept standing up in assembly for the hundred per cent attendance certificate.
“It was only when she got into her final year that I thought: ‘Oh gosh, I wonder if she can do this’.”
Olivia will start at Penistone Grammar School in September.
Sarah added: “I’m hoping for more of the same – you never know.”