A LOCAL youth theatre that has helped the likes of Shaun Dooley reach television fame is continuing to support the artistic youngsters of the borough.
Barnsley Youth Theatre has had an impact on countless people’s lives, helping children who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance to get on stage achieve their dreams.
One such example is the new artistic director, 23-year-old Jack Riley, who took the top role over lockdown after worked his way through the company when his primary school teachers saw his potential.
His mum, Samantha Sloan, told the Chronicle: “Right from being a kid he wanted to make people laugh and entertain them.
“He would go to his friend’s birthday parties and put on a little comedy sketch, magic show or something like that.
“When he was around seven or eight years old his primary school teachers started to say that we’ve got to get him on stage.
“Obviously you think it’s just people being nice, that it’s what they must say to every parent, but people kept mentioning it so I looked into Barnsley Youth Theatre.”
Despite some initial fears, Jack jumped into work at the theatre and had the time of his life, getting involved in a variety of shows.
It also opened up doors for him to take part in school shows, as well as on national television productions like Emmerdale.
Now as head of the group, he’s working with hopes that other youngsters in similar situations can find themselves on the stage.
“I’ve been a part of the theatre all my life,” Jack added.
“I know what it’s done for me as a person - It was a solid thing in my life that I’d be there every Tuesday.
“It was really important for me, and probably helped keep me out of mischief.
“So when there was a chance for me to take over I knew it was something I wanted to do.”
Recently former member Shaun Dooley - who’s appeared on countless shows including Coronation Street, Mr Bates vs The Post Office and The Witcher - along with his wife, professional producer and casting director Polly, have pledged their support to the theatre’s continued success.
For their continued efforts to support aspiring youngsters in the borough, the theatre has been nominated at this year’s Young Champions awards.
“I think for us it’s not about the validation, but helping make people aware of the work we’re doing,” Jack said.
“It’s a great chance for children, whether it’s just to meet new people or if they want to do something professional out of it.
“The children lead the process and we work together with them to help guide them with what they want.”
Shaun added: “I am so proud to be a patron of BYT and I am thrilled to see it expand and flourish, offering more incredible opportunities to the young people of Barnsley and its community.
“The addition of new venues, supplementary workshops, including one recently with the National Youth Theatre, all expand the already fantastic skills and experiences BYT offers.”